Nostalgias de Tango is an Argentine tango show in two acts, written by Leo Landa and produced in collaboration with top Argentine tango artists in San Francisco Bay Area.
The show features live music by Argentine tango group Tangonero, San Francisco's premier Argentine tango band led by Alex Roitman, vocals by Claudio Ortega, and dancing by Leo Landa and Alona Gorer.
“We dance tango because we have secrets...” — Marilyn Cole Lownes.
The plot follows the story of a couple whose chance encounter and subsequent unfolding events are influenced and colored by Argentine tango. Set in present day, the show highlights how the nature and the roots of Argentine tango, dating more than a century back, are still relevant and dangerously powerful in modern life. The plot blurs the edges between life and tango, past and present, reality and dreams.
Nostalgias de Tango is a narrated musical. The format uniquely combines the best aspects of Argentine tango — live music, live vocals, and staged dancing — with the suspense of plot that intertwines with powerful lyrics of some of the best tango songs.
Tangonero pioneered the format in San Francisco Bay Area with their productions of L'Histoire du Tango and Malena, for which they received the CMC Shenson Award. Nostalgias de Tango, Tangonero's latest collaboration in this format, features distinctly unique plot, set in present day and real locations.
Nostalgias de Tango premiered in November 2013 in Mildred Owen Concert Hall in Pacifica, with a sold out show.
The show comes back to San Francisco Bay Area in Spring of 2016.
“...The entire band finds power in the music they play...”
— San
Jose Mercury News / Pacifica Tribune
“...From the first chord you could smell the smoke, see the lights dim and watch as women in high heels and black dresses circle solemn men. Tangonero played with the precision and intensity of musicians who know how to animate dancers...”
— San Francisco Accordion
“...All the arrangements of Tangonero are a mix between band collaboration and
inspiration drawn from other recordings...”
— Contra
Costa Times
“...An explosive passion that cannot be captured by a meeting recorder...”
— San Francisco Accordion